We use them all day long, so let’s try to add a little fun to our key chain. I love these DIY key rings, they are stylish and quite easy to make. It would be so cool to have all the zoo animals hanged in my key box! And how great is this ideas of drawing faces on wooden beads? I hope you will have fun making new key chain, don’t hesitate to share your projects in comment!
DIY key chain // Minimal crafts
DIY animals key rings // Burkatron
DIY woven keychain // Enthralling gumption
Modern key holder // Boligliv
Simple leather key fob // The craftaholic witch
If your like it, please, share and make your friends enjoy this post!
Monday 8th of April 2019
Great! I love your post. You have shared unique ideas.
Isabel guisasola
Monday 5th of February 2018
Me gustaría saber cómo se hace y materiales ,podrías hacer algún tutorial para empezar a trabajar algo me encanta todo lo que haces ,me gusta mucho las manualidades,por eso te digo que si ayudarías a empezar algún trabajo muchas gracias
Tuesday 6th of February 2018
Hola Isabel, puedes dar click en el enlace abajo de cada foto y vas a llegar al tutorial que te explica como realisar el llavero que quieres hacer! Que tengas un lindo dia :)
tash at poppyseeds
Thursday 9th of February 2017
I love your blog, its beautiful and you're so talented. Going to try a lamp next week with your ideas.
Ama Ryllis
Wednesday 15th of February 2017
Thank you so much! So how did you DIY lamp works?