The summer nearing its end, and hopefully we can still enjoy a few sunny days. The front porch or the patio deck are places of choice. If you feel that a little something is missing to give these areas more style, a painted floor could be a great option. It’s easy and inexpensive to complete. It works on wooden floor as well as on concrete. You can help yourself using a stencil or just work with tape.
Don’t forget to apply a sealer if you want your work to last in time. We may not clean the front porch as often as the inside of our house, but you surly sweep or vacuum it, details found here, every week or fortnight. I do not doubt that a few times a year you also wash it down. It’s therefore better to ensure that your design will not fade with time and cleaning.
Let’s have a look at these beautiful DIY ideas more more inspiration.
DIY cement tile
DIY stenciled pallet floor // A piece of rainbow
How to paint a concrete rug // Run to radiance
How to paint diamond on the floor // Southern hospitality
Front porch floor upgrade // Bella tucker
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Wednesday 22nd of August 2018
Wow! Those tutorials are awesome. I also looked at your pins on Pinterest and they are inspiring!
Stuart Williams
Saturday 7th of April 2018
Great DIY Idea for Painted Floors.
Tuesday 30th of August 2016
I love these!
Ama Ohoh blog
Wednesday 31st of August 2016
I agree with you Kath, those tutorials are very inspiring!