Using chest can be a good option if you are struggling with your house organization. It’s not suitable for everything , but it works well to store seasonal items, as outdoor cushions, or bulky stuff, as blankets and duvets. We usually place it in the entry way but it will fit in any room, from toy storage to coffee table. Now that you are convinced of the utility of building a storage chest, have a look a the tutorials to find the one that best suits you.
Bekka trunk // Ana White
Old crate chest // S’Bastelkistle
DIY rolling ottoman storage // Rockler
DIY plywood chest // Hajottamolla
How to build a storage bench // Making home base
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Sarahi Sarabia
Tuesday 30th of August 2016
I'd like to build the ply wood chest, but the link article is not in English (or any language I know)
Ama Ohoh blog
Saturday 15th of October 2016
Maybe you can use google translate, it will give you an approximate translation.