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DIY Toothbrush Holder

DIY Toothbrush Holder

As a family of five sharing the same bathroom, you can imagine the mess it can be. So even if not everything is organized all the time it helps to have specific storage. I use boxes to keep my stock of soaps and shampoos, various jar (upgraded with this tutorial DIY to customize glass jars lids) to put Qtips and make-up pads. I also hanged a small DIY rope shelf to store my beauty products.

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Instead of keeping all the toothbrushes in a glass, I made a wall hanging storage with large plastic caps and a piece of velcro! Very effective and so easy to make!

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Somos una familia de cuatro personas que comparte el mismo baño, puedes imaginar el desorden que puede ser. Así que si no todo está organizado todo el tiempo, es útil tener almacenamientos específicos. Utilizo cajas para guardar mi reserva de jabones y champús, varios frascos para poner los cotonetes y algodones para desmaquillase. También colgué un pequeño estante en la pared para guardar mis productos de belleza.

¡En lugar de guardar todos los cepillos de dientes en un vaso, hice un almacenamiento para colgarlos en la pared con grandes tapas de plástico y un pedazo de velcro! Muy efectivo y muy fácil de hacer!

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Nous sommes une famille de quatre personnes qui partageons la même salle de bain, tu peux imaginer le désordre qui l’y a parfois. Même se tout n’est pas organisé tout le temps, c’est utile d’avoir des rangements spécifiques. J’utilise des boîtes pour stocker les savons et les shampoings, quelques pots pour mettre les cotons-tiges et du coton démaquillants. J’ai également accroché une petite étagère au mur pour ranger mes produits de beauté.

Au lieu de garder toutes les brosses à dents dans un verre, j’ai fait un rangement mural avec de grands capuchons en plastique et un morceau de velcro! Très efficace et très facile à faire!

DIY Toothbrush Holder

How to make a DIY Toothbrush Holder

Materials you will need:

If you wonder, these are the kind of caps I used to make the toothbrush holder

Material que necesitaras:

  • Tapones de garrafones
  • Pintura en spray (opcional)
  • Cutter
  • Tiras de velcro adhesivas

Matériel nécessaire:

  • Bouchon de bouteille de 20 L
  • Peinture en spray (optionnel)
  • Cutter
  • Velcro adhésif.

bottle caps to make Toothbrush Holder

Remove the label from the caps and I cut a notch with a cutter. 

Quitas las etiquetas de los tampones y cortas una muesca con un cutter.

Enlève les étiquettes des capuchons et découpe une encoche avec un cutter.

DIY Toothbrush Holder

I thought it would be prettier with another color that the blue, so I spray painted the caps (be sure to use non-toxic paint).

Me pareció que iba a ser más bonito pintar los tapones con aerosol (tengan en cuenta de utilizar una pintura no tóxica).

Je trouvais ça plus joli, donc j’ai peint les bouchons avec un spray (utilise de la peinture non toxique).

DIY Toothbrush Holder

I cut pieces of adhesive velcro to fit on the back of the cap. Glue one part of the velcro on the cap and the second on the wall. That way you can easily remove your toothbrush holder for cleaning.

Corté trozos de velcro adhesivo para que cupieran en la parte posterior de la tapa. Pegue una parte del velcro en la tapa y la segunda en la pared. De esa manera, puedes quitar fácilmente el porta cepillo de dientes para limpiarlo.

J’ai découpé des morceaux de velcro adhésif de manière a ce qu’ils aient la même taille que l’arrière du bouchon. Colle une partie du velcro sur le capuchon et la seconde sur le mur. De cette façon, tu peux facilement retirer ton porte-brosse à dents pour le nettoyer.

DIY Toothbrush Holder

And voila, the toothbrushes are stored on the wall … it’s something less than lying around! I still need more storage, maybe some hanging baskets for bathroom storage will do the trick.

My bathroom is far from finish but you can see the last upgrade in this post: Our bathroom reveal

What do you think of this toothbrush holder? Tell me everything in comments and don’t hesitate to share your DIY, I love to see what you make with my tutorials!

Y aquí está, los cepillos de dientes están colgados en la pared … ¡Es algo menos que se amontona al lado de los lavabos! ¿Qué te parece este sistema de almacenamiento? Cuéntame todo en los comentarios y no dudes en compartir tu bricolaje, me encanta ver lo que haces con mis pasos a pasos!

Et voila, les brosses a dents sont rangées au mur…c’est déjà un truc en moins qui traîne! Qu’est ce que tu penses de ce système de rangement? Raconte moi tout dans les commentaires et n’hésite pas a me faire partager ton bricolage, j’adore voir ce que tu fait avec mes tutoriels!

DIY toothbrush holder

Et voila!

DIY toothbrush holder

Want to remember it? Save this DIY toothbrush holder in your favorite Pinterest board.

diy toothbrush holder


You will find all the tutorials featured in the video on my “Best DIY” page.



Sunday 24th of November 2024

Tbh i would never have thought of that and its brilliant when you have no space especially when there is a few of you well done might have to try this with our toothbrushes


Monday 25th of November 2024

Thanks! We have used them for years and these toothbrush holders are so practical


Wednesday 11th of January 2023

This is such a great way to use up bottle tops and do your 'bit' to save the world!


Wednesday 11th of January 2023

Thanks Jaydee


Saturday 10th of July 2021

Kind of a cute idea. However, if you are reducing waste and recycling, why did you go and purchase plastic caps? Secondly, as others have stated, these are open to all the germs that float around in the air.


Wednesday 14th of July 2021

Hello Susan, I didn't purchase any plastic caps. In Mexico, we avoid drinking tap water and have 20 liters bottles instead (which are returnable) so I used these caps. I know there is a big debate about the germs that float in the air and can contaminate toothbrushes ... but in my opinion, storing toothbrushes in a closed cabinet, keep them moist, in addition, with the heat in the bathroom and the dark it's the perfect environment to grow bacteria and fungus ... so I prefer to let the toothbrushes dry out! Everyone chooses ;)


Saturday 18th of April 2020

I love this idea! It would look perfect in my rustic bathroom. Thanks! 🙂


Tuesday 4th of February 2020

This reminds us me of my Dad. He would love this.