I’m so glad to finally share our kitchen upgrade with you! It’s been a long process. Years ago we decide we wanted to build our house, the fun part was that I was able to design everything the way I wanted. We didn’t know how the loan application procedure works and neither the conditions of it… so we made a few mistakes and end up a little broke.
I wish we took the time to read some advice about loans opportunities But maybe it’s normal to end up a little broke when you build or buy a house? When we moved in, we only have the essential things. The kitchen at this time was just the concrete counter top and the concrete bar, no paint, no cabinet…nothing, just the sink, a stove and a fridge! We lived like that for a few years, and it was fine…I guess you get use to minimalism ;).
RELATED: DIY kitchen update on a budget
RELATED: 5 Must have kitchen appliances
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Here are a few pics of the kitchen before, as we needed some cheap storage solution, I put some plastic drawers under the counter. It was ugly and not the most practical but still better than nothing!
Watch the short video and take a tour in my kitchen.
And then the miracle happened, we had custom-built cabinet under both counters. For once it’s not a DIY, even if I had thought of that possibility a million time. Kitchen cabinets are really specific and detailed carpentry work…so better let the professional made it!
I choose to put a lot of drawers, it’s the most practical storage option! I first wanted build-in handles, but couldn’t find anything I like. So I went for simple and modern ones, and I’m very happy with the final choice.
We still have one last thing to do, put an extractor hood above the stove!
No worries, my kitchen NEVER looks that clean and organize. I spend an hour and a half organizing and cleaning everything before taking the pics. And yes, my fridge usually disappear under hundred of kid’s drawings and diet plans 🙂
The spices drawer…maybe my favorite thing in the kitchen! It’s so practical, you have any spice container on hand in no time!
RELATED: 5 spice racks you can easily make
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Little hook next to the window with the DIY key holder storage box (tutorial HERE).
A little homemade shelf on the countertop to store the oils, coffee, and tea.
A few pics of the dining room, which is just next to the kitchen.
I completely upgraded the dresser a few years ago, more details HERE. As we have a big open room that include the kitchen, dining room and the living room, we can use the geometric room divider to separate the space. (tutorial of the screen HERE)
When I see the pics I realize that a lot of item are DIY (the marquee signs, the candle holders, the wall decor…and much more). So you can look for the tutorials using the search box on the side menu or just leave me a comment and I will drop you the link to the tutorial.
If you like it, please, share and make your friends enjoy this post!
Thursday 30th of November 2017
I love that homemade shelf for oil, coffee, and tea. Definitely a great idea and great addition- thanks for sharing!
Thursday 30th of November 2017
Thanks. Originally it was an herb garden (you can see it in this post)...but I killed all the plants so I reuse it as a spice shelf ;)
Thursday 26th of January 2017
Ah en effet ça change tout ! Va falloir que je vienne voir pour de vrai ! Je crois qu'on aura un bon motif d'ici peu �� et on comptera sur toutes tes bonnes idées dans 1 ou 2 ans ��
Sunday 22nd of January 2017
It looks amazing, well done! How did you paint your countertops? I love the colour and your minimal esthetic.
Ama Ryllis
Thursday 16th of February 2017
Hello Vicky, The coutertops are made in concrete and stained with dark brown oxide.
Saturday 21st of January 2017
It looks great! Doesn't it feel wonderful? We remodeled our kitchen a couple of years ago, and it is a joy to spend time there now. You are so right about drawers be practical. ¡Felicidades!
Ama Ryllis
Monday 23rd of January 2017
Thank you Kath! I just LOVE being in my kitchen now...I even enjoy cooking ;)