When I purchased this fabric, I was thinking of using it to make some wall art in my bedroom. Once back home, I realized that the pattern wouldn’t match in the room.
I guess I was just looking for an excuse to buy this nice fabric coupon!
Anyway, the dotted pattern and the vintage colors will work perfectly for a dress. I like sewing clothes for myself even if I don’t do it very often.
Most of my sewing projects are for the home: A one-hour floor cushion, a cloud potholder, or some fabric baskets. It’s quicker than sewing a garment piece.
Whether it’s for the few clothes I sew or the home decor accessories, I really have to think of adding some hang tag to my next sewing project, it will make it more special.
Online, you can design by yourself hang tags the way you want, it seems quite simple. Did you ever try?
I made this simple dress without a pattern. As you liked the easy shirt sewing tutorial, I tried to work the same way: simple shape and easy sewing. I hope you will enjoy it!
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The easy dress sewing tutorial
Materials you will need to make your dress:
- Fabric
- Thread
- Pins
- Fabric scissors
- Tape measure
- Sewing machine
I choose some light fabric, it looks like lycra but it’s not stretch (I can’t remember the name).
I bought a 7 feet long coupon. This dress is adaptable to the length you want to wear, from a mini shirt to a maxi dress.
RELATED: Easy shirt sewing tutorial
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First, you need to take your shoulders measurements (aka the distance between your shoulders).
Fold the fabric in the middle lengthwise, and mark the center with a pin. Report your shoulders measurements, centering them on the fabric.
To make the trapeze shape, trace two 2 oblique lines on each side.
Each line will join the shoulder measurement point and the fabric edge. Cut along the lines.
Use your first trapeze as a pattern. Place it on the fabric, pin, and cut to have a second identical trapeze shape. Serger all edges.
In the scrap fabric, cut two rectangles, the same length as the top part and 4 inches high. Serger the edges of the rectangles.
Pin one rectangle on the trapeze top side, right side on the right side.
Make a seam on the top part to sew both pieces together. Repeat the same on the second trapeze piece. Iron the seams.
Put the two trapezes on top of each other, right side on right side.
To sew the straps of the dress, make a 2 inches seam on each side, as close to the edge as possible.
Grab one of your tank top to make the arm openings. Place the top on the fabric and report the shape on one side then on the other. Cut out the shape on both sides.
Open the dress and fold the fabric on the arm openings. Pin them and sew them.
Put back the two dress part on top of each other and sew the edge together.
Almost done! The last thing is sewing the bottom edge.
The easier is wearing the dress and ask someone to draw the bottom line on the fabric, at the high you like to wear it. Cut a little below the line, make a fold and sew.
Put the dress on, and wear it with a belt to mark the waist!
RELATED: 41 Easy Sewing project ideas for Summer time
RELATED: How to Sew a Skirt
I choose to add pockets to the dress. I had to make several attempts to position them correctly. It wasn’t as easy as I thought.
Want to remember it? Save this Easy Dress sewing tutorial on your favorite Pinterest board.
I love the fabric Annie choose to make her dress, so lovely!
Look at the cute dress Ana made!
You will find all the tutorials featured in the video on my “Best DIY” page.
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Samica OBaugh
Monday 28th of August 2023
I made that dress. Thank you for the easy step by step guide.
Friday 1st of September 2023
Thanks, I´m glad you like it! You can tag me on IG if you post a pic of it ;) @ohoh.deco
Laura K
Monday 12th of July 2021
Ohhhh and I almost forgot that I wanted to add pockets! That will come next!
Laura K
Monday 12th of July 2021
Thanks so much for this free tutorial and pattern. I’m a bit of a sewing hack so I appreciate the casual instructions! It’s getting hot here in Vancouver, Canada, so I’ve been wanting to sew myself a new dress! I made the dress using a bit of a stiffer cotton and found it to be a little strange at the neckline - cutting into my chin! So I put on my fashion designer hat and have been going wild! I added darts at the side of the chest, swept the skirt across from the left at the waist and pinned it just under the right breast, and cut an off centre collar that hangs down in front (to solve the awkward neck problem). A few more embellishments and I’ll be ready to wear it out! Thank you again!
Wednesday 14th of July 2021
Hello Laura, Indeed if the fabric is too thick the neckline will be straight and it will be neither pretty nor comfortable. I'm glad your tailoring skills were able to solve this problem. Hope you send me a picture of the finished dress! ;) Thanks for sharing your feedback!
Tuesday 5th of May 2020
Anyway to make the neckline not pucker? Used cotton and this pattern is not working
Wednesday 6th of May 2020
Hello Kaitlin, As the neckline is straight the fabric will always pucker a little. It works great with thin fabric. Cotton is thicker and stiffer, so maybe you can cut the neckline with a slightly rounded shape so that the fabric does not crease when you wear the dress.
Sunday 3rd of May 2020
Thank you so much for this pattern! I made it as my second ever sewing project and it turned out perfect! So much fun to make and simple!